Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Infamous Polo Match

So its every college-age white boy's nightmare. You try to have a casual night out at the bar in a fresh new polo tee and some other dudes are thinking the same thing...o shit you catch yourself matching. The dude on the right is clearly loving the match and should be proded in the butt with a fork for his enthusiasm. The dude in the middle is sweating the situation, drinking a bud light lime, and needs to use one of his clearasil wipes asap. My man on the left, quit faking the smile and lose your tee. A white undershirt is always better than matching.


Anonymous said...

thanks bum fluff!!

Anonymous said...

This is some funny shit. Especially when you know the three guys in the pic.

Anonymous said...

This is some funny shit. Especially when you know the three guys in the pic.

Anonymous said...

gunk would be better bum fluff.