Of course soccer moms embarrass their kids by making them match, but you'd think the Royal Family would have some more sensible wardrobe staff. At least England has learned the lesson of marrying commoners now. The incestuous efforts to keep royal weddings among royals only made Europe a really freaky place in centuries past.
Have pictures of matching dudes? Send us your photos of matching dudes to matchingdudes@gmail.com or imamatchadude@gmail.com. Enjoy!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Hipsters Strike Back
The matching dude on the left has now been sniped twice while matching in plaid.
What a loser. What is in his cup? PBR obviously.

If only I had one of these:

(hipster trap)
Question time!
What do you think these two hipsters did before they arrived to the party?
1) Went to a Death Cab for Cutie concert
2) Smoked cigs
3) Talked about emotions
4) Went shopping at The Limited for women's jeans
5) All of the above
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Matching boxers: implies a few things
Matching for your country: permitted
Friends Don't Let Friends Drink and Drive

More matching dudes in black tees
Remember the black tee matching dudes? They're back. Different dudes, same shirts, plus one dirty mustache. Not dirty as in cool, dirty as in filthy and disgusting. Gross. Hearken back to the days when our moustachioed friend was caught in another matching dudes scandal, also involving upper lip facial hair. He must have been jealous of his wingman's fake 'stache and tried to step up to the plate.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Double dating
There are many times when you don't want to be caught wearing the same shirt as your bro, and a double date is definitely one of those times. The chicks will think you are weird and you'll end up wasting 25 bucks each at Red Lobster. Check out this classic clip from Seinfeld, where Mickey sums it up perfectly: "We're double dating tonight. If we wear the same shirt, we'll look like idiots."
Obviously, matching only leads to tension and fighting. Don't be a matching dude.
Learn more about the follies of matching on a date, after the jump.
Little matching dudes are back in action
Dudes sharing umbrellas
It's a rainy day here in South Bend. While walking to class I spotted two dudes sharing an umbrella. Unacceptable. I wouldn't be caught dead sharing an unmbrella with another dude, especially if I matched him. It's basically like crossing swords.

Three dudes, 1 umbrella? Nothing like bumpin' and grindin' with your buds to keep out of mother nature's way.
These guys get the jidst of it. It's like holding hands with your brother - if you have to do it, you're gonna half-ass it. Mark Zuckerberg (curly haired doof in the white) is doing the ol' lean in to mooch off this guy.
Personally, I don't think guys should be allowed to use umbrellas, let alone share them. Grow a pair and tough it out fellas.
Act of contrition
I have an apology to make. I just left Corby's a tad early, and one of the bartenders was wearing my same shirt. He had a solid 6 inches and 45 pounds on me, so it was probably a different size, but nonetheless we were matching dudes. Regrettably, I did not make the effort to get a picture with him; I thought it would be awkward. My bad. Here's some weird Best Buy employees storming a parking lot to make up for it.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Another Piece of the Puzzle
I've been trying to track this commercial down since I first saw it during an episode of Parking Wars, but apparently people just don't post Healthy Choice ads on YouTube anymore. Earlier today we revisited the question of whether or not girls mind matching each other, and this video indicates they do, at least if the match occurs with someone from a previous generation. The key quote: "Hi honey, I'm mortified because my mom is dressed just like me." Check it out.
People Magazine addresses the matching epidemic in celebrity women
We've spent a lot of time at matchingdudes discussing our main subject matter, dudes who are matching. We spend considerably less time pondering female fashion, so we still have not answered the age-old question: what happens to girls when they match? Well, at least for female stars, People magazine has provided the answer: they get judged by thousands of people on the internet. A tipster, who clearly spends too much time in line at the grocery store, recently informed us that the publication's website posts side-by-side photos of two famous chicks wearing the same outfit and allows readers to vote on "who wears it better." Typical matching girls - half of the ladies aren't even matching. Why do they think they are? Check out some sample pics below, or go direct to the source to learn about the fierce competition that celeb matching promotes.
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Matching, check. |
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Definitely not matching. |
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????? |
Friday, April 22, 2011
More elderly matching dudes
You may have noticed that matching dudes are not only a problem in the younger generation. I count four matching old folk in this picture, one lady to three men. Second from the left might be eating his own hand. Heed this warning, matching dudes: as you enter your twilight years, there will not be many chicks willing to stick around if you insist on wearing the same stuff as your pals. It doesn't help if none of you has a full head of hair.
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Yes, I am mocking their lack of girls as I make a post on Friday night |
Crouching Tiger, Sleepy Panda
While asians sleeping on stairs have made their appearance on matchingdudes, here is something similar. This is a mini-montage of an asian asleep in various places wearing the same clothes. Let's take a look:

1) Grey tee
2) Glasses
3) Sleeping on futon
1) Different Grey tee
2) Glasses
2) Futon
4) Empty bottle of apple juice
Could this be a new type of matching dude?
Here at matchingdudes, we like funny. If you don't think this is funny, then we don't like you. Your time is probably better spent laughing at "Texts From Last Night" while watching Parental Control on MTV.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Butch Cassidy and the Matching Dude
I'm sick and tired of all these dudes trying to pass themselves off as matching when they are not. QUIT SMILING! I'll admit, this one here almost fooled me. Then I remembered I didn't have a social life and made a short video picking apart the ways in which the dudes are not matching. Any single ladies, I don't have plans tomorrow night. Unless I decide to make another video.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Matching senior citizens step up to the plate

Monday, April 18, 2011
Matching dudes accessorize
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Matching dudes with matching accessories? Sheesh. |
This isn't the first time we've featured this pair on the site, and they always go all out with the matching. Here, they're the pizza delivery guys who show up at your doorstep, ask to use your bathroom, hit on your girlfriend, then try to convert you to Scientology. Those water bottles? Probably filled with "Kool-Aid," but I wouldn't drink it if I were you. Aren't they holding those pizza boxes a little low? Take a look inside...
Monkey Monday!
It's a little known fact that monkeys, just like dudes, often match each other. Since it's Monday, and alliteration is fun, I wanted to take a minute to honor these cool cats, who are in fact monkeys.
I'd be proud to have evolved from these dudes. Unlike when people match each other, it's pretty sweet that these guys are wearing the same stuff. It's sweet that they're smart enough to wear clothing at all, and rocking those shades just turns it up a notch. Respect.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Questionably Appletini Matching Dudes

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Not so fast my friends, this is acceptable match. While you might think to yourself that the two phrases, "matching another dude and acceptable" are erroneous together, you're wrong because this is THE single exception.
Why you ask? Because they are wearing jerseys. NFL jerseys. BEARS jerseys. This is America. Nothing says America like sundays, football, and beer. High fives, fistpumps and shot-gunning are non-negotiables. So it's okay. Just ask Ditka.

How are ya bob?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Six dudes...but only three outfits
Oh my. I've never seen anything quite this bad. It's like the Brady Bunch meets Haddaway and Ricky Martin. Everyone knows that the only thing worse than one pair of matching dudes is a group of them, and the only thing worse than that is...three pairs of dudes matching each other. Even though they're clothed like they just hit the clearance rack at Gymboree, these guys are smiling and posing like they're in a Calvin Klein underwear ad. I hope that's not what took place next, matching dudes. Get it together.
Monday, April 11, 2011
6 dudes 1 outfit

Where do I start?
The only thing that excites these six more than matching outfits is their friday morning ritual of mochas and manicures. It's nice to see that Will Ferrell's gay twin brother made it out (lower left). Although these 5"4' little guys might not fare well on the basketball court, they can go home with a smile knowing they have extra room to wiggle in their tanning beds. If there is anything that makes the Backstreet Boys look like gangster rap, it's six dudes in matching argyle sweater vests. Nice try, matching dudes.
While I could go on forever, let's get some comments from our viewers and see what you guys think.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Pro wrestling gets a dose of matching dudes

Check the smiles on these doofuses. It's O.K. though because despite the match they still have fans.
"It's still real to me damnit"
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
These guys are angry
One of our goals in creating this site was to show dudes just how stupid they look when matching their friends. For a while, we were failing miserably: not only were people smiling in their matching dude pictures, sometimes they were matching ON PURPOSE. Finally, Scoops showed you last week an example of a dude who was infuriated by his friend wearing the same shirt. Sadly, the friend was sporting a satisfied smirk. It looks like we're starting to get through to our viewers, though. Check out this pic:
These guys are so mad that they're matching, from hairdos to beverages, that one is making an obscene gesture to the photographer just for documenting their misfortune. Matching dudes, this one's all on you. Did you really think that designer jeans and a black tee would be a fresh look outside Club LaVela? And to the man or woman behind the camera, thank you recognizing tomfoolery and letting us show them up on the World Wide Web.
These guys are so mad that they're matching, from hairdos to beverages, that one is making an obscene gesture to the photographer just for documenting their misfortune. Matching dudes, this one's all on you. Did you really think that designer jeans and a black tee would be a fresh look outside Club LaVela? And to the man or woman behind the camera, thank you recognizing tomfoolery and letting us show them up on the World Wide Web.

A person who matches their dog.
I feel bad for that bowser over there, someone should get him a chew toy.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
The Flamingo Flock

Monday, April 4, 2011
March Matchingness
Butler 63 UConn 61 F...I just don't want Butler to match their tournament fate of 2010.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Matching dudes need to register for "list" before moving to new neighborhood
Does this locale look familiar? You may have been there when you were five, it's the Toddler Zone at Chuck E. Cheese. Hint: these dudes are not toddlers. All they need is some creepy mustaches and they'd get put away for five years.
Recognize the dude on the left? The lighting's a tad different, but we was wearing the exact same shirt, and standing on the left, in the pic above. Only difference: completely different night, completely different place. Doesn't he ever change his shirt? And how does he find so many dudes wearing the same one?
Recognize the dude on the left? The lighting's a tad different, but we was wearing the exact same shirt, and standing on the left, in the pic above. Only difference: completely different night, completely different place. Doesn't he ever change his shirt? And how does he find so many dudes wearing the same one?
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The Infamous Polo Match

Time to spice it up
I was brainstorming earlier today and I came up with this:

Rest your eyes upon these matching dudes

2) They're singing.
3) That's embarrasing.
What tune do you think they are singing? "Somewhere over the rainbow" perhaps?
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