Have pictures of matching dudes? Send us your photos of matching dudes to matchingdudes@gmail.com or imamatchadude@gmail.com. Enjoy!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Hang ten with these matching dudes

New feature
We've added something new to the site: after any post, you can click a button to tell us your reaction. Similar to liking something on Facebook, only you're saying whether you consider the picture "nice," "embarrassing," or not matching, and we're not as smart as Mark Zuckerberg. Although "The Matching Dude" would make a killer sequel to "The Social Network." So, check the bottom of every post and give the unfortunate matching dudes your feedback.
Matching dudes engage in deep conversation

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Matching Dudes Theme Parties
Folks, we've added a new feature to the page: an ongoing photo album of pictures from matching dudes-themed parties. We'll still post the really cool shots on the home page, but this way we can avoid cluttering it while still paying tribute to everyone who comes out to support matching dudes. You can click on the "Theme Parties" tab, or view it here. If you and your friends host a matching dudes party, send us pictures and we'll do our best to add them all in some capacity. Email us at matchingdudes@gmail.com or imamatchadude@gmail.com
Matching dudes take over the social scene
Here's a sampling of pics from last night. Check out the whole collection here. If you have anything to add to the collection, make sure to send us an email.

Sick flow, mid-calves and lax pinnies elevate these dudes to Matching Bro status

What's wrong with this picture?
1) They're matching
2) They appear to be "bumping and grinding"
3) This is too much for my liking

Take a peek at these 3 matching dudes watching a ball game
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Site's up and running
Earlier this week, we upgraded from Blogspot to our own domain name, and the transition process is over. matchingdudes.com should now work for everyone. Enjoy!
Matching dudes make it big on youtube
First of all, if you don't find this video funny, you suck. Second, pay close attention to 1:21. 2 little matching dudes take a spill simultaneously on ice
Ok...here is an exception

2) Not matching
But, this girl is wearing a shirt with a cheeseburger on it. That's awesome. Props to girls wearing shirts with cheeseburgers on them.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Like us on Facebook!
We now have a Facebook page. It's pretty bare bones, but still a great way to show your support. Check it out here.
Do these look like matching dudes to you?
Last night I received a late night text from a friend titled "matching dudes!" with this picture attached:

I thought, "These coats look similar, but hold on a minute. Dudes don't wear long North Faces." I realized the coats were hiding girls, who might not be matching at all. Many jealous females have been trying to make it onto the site by sending in pictures that feature questionable matching, and do not involve dudes. Sorry ladies, we appreciate your efforts and enthusiasm, but you just aren't dudes. We might make an exception for bikini pics from spring break, but until then, we need to see some exquisite matching to violate the "dude" part of matching dudes.
Matching dudes support a cause
Yesterday was, supposedly, the "Teal Out Thursday" portion of Sexual Assault Awareness Week at Notre Dame, and everyone was supposed to wear teal shirts. I was handed a free one during a shift at my prestigious job scooping french fries at BK, and given the recent extracurricular adventures of my two favorite football teams, I figured it was time to take a stand. Plus, although most of the matching people would probably be girls, I still might get some bonus pics for the site. Oddly enough, I didn't see a single person wearing the tee until about 4:30. Granted, almost everyone I saw yesterday was wearing a coat, but I thought they'd at least get a little support. Finally, I rolled into Reckers around 1:00 am and found some people in teal. The female employees were not impressed that I had the same shirt as them, but this dude agreed to strike a pose.

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Time to crunch some numbers

Check out this soon to be married matching dude

(in increasing order)
1) scratching the beard pose.
2) popped collar.
3) shutter shades.
4) matching another dude.
Matching dudes to grocery stores?
Here at matching dudes, we are trying to expand to many markets. Specifically, supermarkets. We are developing a tasty food product that will sweep across the nation. What is it you ask?
Lady Gaga Fruit snacks.
These two competing clusters of matching dudes run to see who has the most guts
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Can you believe these matching dudes got to meet the President?
Notice that the leader of the Free World is decidedly not a matching dude, but has instead chosen the matching couple route.
Willy Wonka loves these matching Oompa Loompa dudes
Check out these little matching dudes on a saturday afternoon
I'd like to pay respect to little matching dudes, probably the coolest matching dudes. Why? Because they have no choice. Their parents make them match because they think it's "cute." They are forced to be matching dudes. But, in this particular case, they are probably stoked to be matching dudes because little kids love wearing jerseys.
I couldn't help but notice that in the top row, second from the left, this little dude doesn't match his counterparts (because of his red hair). Poor guy.
I couldn't help but notice that in the top row, second from the left, this little dude doesn't match his counterparts (because of his red hair). Poor guy.
What? This post doesn't have any matching dudes in it
While I currently don't have time to throw up our latest matching dudes, I did just have a revelation in class today: dudes running in suits. Keep your eyes open for dudesrunninginsuits.com
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
These matching dudes are making waves in the Middle East
Oh no... not these matching dudes!
I take that back, the South Bend Police might be the least favorable matching dudes here at Notre Dame. They really don't like us. Even in the midst of getting busted, it is pretty hard not to notice that they are matching dudes.
Check out these NASCAR matching dudes (the worst kind of matching dudes)
Of all things that suck, the only thing that sucks more than matching dudes is NASCAR. And here we have it, matching NASCAR dudes. Woof.
These matching dudes are running for office
Wait a minute...these aren't matching dudes
Here is a pic sent in by one of our viewers.
1) Not dudes
2) Not really matching
Therefore, not matching dudes. Nice try.
1) Not dudes
2) Not really matching
Therefore, not matching dudes. Nice try.
Check out these matching founding father dudes
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